Thursday, September 23, 2010


Well, I told you I would update you on my flash shopping experience. I had no idea where to start...what kind of flash do I need? Frankly, I just didn't know. So, I went back to my trusty professionals to get their input. The ones I asked were very helpful...if I used a Cannon. I'm a Nikon girl. So, my second advisory board came from my Facebook friends who commented on my status asking for any Nikon flash recommendations. I had a couple friends suggest I start with the Nikon SB-600 or SB-800. I wanted to search for a used one.
The sights I started looking where...
B&H (This is where I bought my Nikon D70 used for a little under $500...What a deal!!)
No luck. I couldn't find any used SB-600 or 800's and the new ones I found were more that I wanted to pay at this time.
I got a bit discouraged and just thought I would have to start putting money aside bit by bit to save up for one. That is until one day I decided to check

Low and behold...they had a Nikon SB-600 Speedlight Flash pretty close to my budget!!
My Bday isn't until next month, so I am going to wait until then to purchase it! Can't wait to start experimenting with it!!

Until I get my flash...

here are some pictures I took on my son at the park one day. We got there so early we had to whole park to ourselves. He had a blast.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Wedding Bells and taking a step back

I hear wedding bells are in the air!!
I got asked to shoot my first wedding!! GULP!! I am so excited and scared at the same time. I have gone through a plethora of emotions as the thought slowly sank in. I corresponded with the bride and found out…
#1. It’s in March 2011 (oh good, I have 6 months to prepare for it)
#2. It’s going to be a small, intimate wedding, just for the family and close friends. (shheeww, not as much pressure as a big wedding will be)
I agreed to do this wedding, and then shot out a couple emails to professional photographers I know to get some tips and advice. I got a range of answers. One told me not to do it, because I wasn’t ready for such an important event, referencing a couple articles for me to read about not shooting weddings until I’m a pro. While, on the other side of the spectrum, others told me to go for it. As well as sharing with me that this is how they started, and gave me some tips, for which I am grateful.
After reading the article, Three Reasons You’re Not Ready To Shoot A Wedding – And One Way To Fix It: by Angelo Stavrow, I began to rethink my decision. I went back to the bride to emphasize that I am not a professional and I can’t guarantee quality. I told her I had a friend who was a pro who I could refer her to. She assured me that she wanted me to do her wedding!! Therefore, we are on!! I am shooting my first wedding in March! Pray for me!! 
I, also, just found out that I am getting a flash for my birthday!! Time to go cyber shop.
I will fill you all in on that adventure…
On another note….
I have been feeling overwhelmed lately. My life as a wife to a very busy husband, with two demanding jobs and he has to manage chronic pain everyday; and a mother of two blessings; one being a special needs son who has many needs including being taken from Dr apt to Dr. apt, and therapy; and a very active, into everything, 2 year old son…keeping me pretty busy. Oh, and a house I attempt to keep clean and fail at regularly. All that to say…
I am starting to think I may have tried to bite off more than I can chew with my pursuit of becoming a professional photographer…AT THIS TIME. Don’t get me wrong, that is still my ambition; I just think it is going to take me longer than I thought it initially would. Right now, I will still shoot and edit when I can, and any one who wants me to photograph them, I will willingly accept…knowing I need the practice. But I am thinking I will be able to give more attention and time to following my dream of going pro once Levi (the 2 yr old) starts school.
In the mean time, I will continue to update you on what I am learning and posting some of my picture.
Thanks for reading!! More to come!!!
Kim (Future Photographer)

Here's all I had time for today!

Enjoy!! is always welcome!!